Application deadline: AgriFoodTure - Calls for proposals

AgriFoodTure is pleased to announce two calls for proposals, offering a total of 42 million DKK for new research and innovation projects that aim to accelerating impact and implementation of climate solutions towards 2030.

Info about event


Tuesday 25 March 2025, at 12:00 - at

Denmark’s Green Tripartite Agreement underscores the urgency of action and the need for solutions that can drive the transition toward a greener and more resilient future.

The theme of the calls aligns with the agreement by emphasizing the need for accelerating the development of solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the agri-food sector in Denmark towards 2030. 

Read more about the two calls by clicking the links: Accelerating Impact and Implementation of Climate Solutions Towards 2030 and AgriFoodTure Booster – Accelerating Impact and Implementation of Climate Solutions Towards 2030


Deadline for application is 25 March 2025, at 12:00 noon.