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We have received a generous grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation to create an exceptional conference and you are invited to join Green Minds Gather…
Over two days, researchers, PhD students and fundraisers gathered to discuss how an interdisciplinary approach to research in the agrifood sector can…
The Hub will provide a space for research collaboration on genetic adaptation in animal and plant breeding.
START - Centre for Sustainable Agrifood Systems - invites researchers from all the Danish universities to join the START HUB collaboration. The aim is…
Innovation Fund Denmark has granted DKK 201 million to the research and innovation partnership Agri-FoodTure. Climate, sustainable agriculture and…
The Centre for SusTainable AgRifood sysTems (START) got off to the best possible start at its kick-off event at Sandbjerg Estate on 21 and 22 March.
In the future, Danish universities will have a crucial role to play in creating solutions for more sustainable development within agricultural and…