Can we reduce leakage enough? And how do we quantify leakage?
Should we focus on increased re-utilisation instead of reducing losses?
Can we re-utilise nutrients from urine/sewers for input in food production?
How do we make food fertilised with nutrients from wastewater plants acceptable for the consumers?
Are there any unexploited side streams? Can single cell protein be a solution?
Nutrients in waste from human food nutrients are to a high extent excreted into wastewater and nutrients are leached from the arable land to both ground water and environment. This cause unwanted impact on the environment, but minerals, especially phosphor is a limited resource and needs to be recycled. The potential economic value of increased utilization and recycling of nutrients is therefore high. The main challenge is therefore how we can reduce leakage, and how we can:
Demand and utilization of nutrients by plants and farm animals
Nutrients in waste from human food nutrients are to a high extent excreted into wastewater and nutrients are leached from the arable land to both ground water and environment. This cause unwanted impact on the environment, but minerals, especially phosphor is a limited resource and needs to be recycled. The potential economic value of increased utilization and recycling of nutrients is therefore high. The Circularity in Nutrients Hub wants to find:
The Circularity in Nutiens Hub consists of researchers from all areas. We have come to learn, that people from social sciences are essential in defining the significant challenges, and engineers as part of coming up with innovative, technical solutions. If you have an interest in finding soloutions to the problem of nutrient waste, you are very welcome to join our Hub.
Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Aarhus University
Phone: +45 87 15 80 76
Section for Chemical Science and Engineering
Aalborg University
Phone: +45 99 40 84 64
Mobil: +45 21 62 72 16
Special Consultant, Fundraiser
Aalborg University
Phone: +45 22 48 39 09