Why join this course?

Sustainable food systems are critical to addressing global challenges related to food security, environmental degradation, and social equity. Viewed from a value chain perspective, the food system involves a diverse array of stakeholders, including those in production, manufacturing, retail, research, and policy. To promote meaningful progress, an interdisciplinary approach is essential—one that integrates social, health, and environmental sciences alongside industry expertise. This holistic framework can accelerate the green transition by equipping stakeholders with the tools and knowledge needed to develop innovative, sustainable solutions across the food system.


This interdisciplinary course is designed to equip future scientists with the skills needed to conduct research within sustainable food systems. The course aims to provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the field while introducing key research methodologies, and project management and proposal writing techniques. Additionally, it will serve as a platform for establishing connections among students from various institutions, encouraging the formation of networks that can support future interdisciplinary collaboration.


The course is offered in collaboration between two departments at Aarhus University (Department of Management and Department of Food Science), and supported by interdisciplinary centers CiFOOD (www.cifood.au.dk), MAPP (www.mapp.au.dk), and START (www.start.uni.dk).


Polymeros Chrysochou

Department of Management

Aarhus University

Phone: +45 27 97 52 43

E-mail: polyc@mgmt.au.dk

Derek V. Byrne

Department of Food Science

Aarhus University

Phone: +45 28 78 28 40

E-mail: derekv.byrne@food.au.dk

Application deadline: May 10 2025

We plan for a limited number of participants. We, therefore, invite those interested to submit their application to Polymeros Chrysochou (polyc@mgmt.au.dk) or Derek V. Byrne (derekv.byrne@food.au.dk) by 10 May. This should include:

  • 1-page CV
  • motivation letter
  • research background and profile


Acceptances shall be communicated before 20 May.