How to register for START?

Signing up for START essentially means that you become part of a national research powerhouse with backing of every University in Denmark.

You will be invited into join the START Hub(s) of intersts and to take part in the cross-cutting START activities. You will aslo be entitled to apply the START logo and materiale in any relevant context e.g. applications, email-signature and presentations. 

To sign up, you merely need to fill in the registration form below

Upon registration you will have acces to and become part of the START research platform and community. You receive the latest news and invitations for START related activities. From 2024 all Hubs will be equipped with a Teams site for you to share ideas and keep in contact. Once registered you will be connect you to the relevant Hubs and Teams. 

Your registered data will be processed and managed according to GDPR and kept for a period up to five years. You may at any point unsubscribe by reaching out the START Administrative Team.

If you have already signed up for START yet are interested in joining an addtional START Hub please contact the  START Administrative Team.

Signup for START

Signup for START

Registration form
Your consent can be withdrawn at any time. Please contact the START administrative support team

Questions and support

Caroline Glæsner

Student Worker

Bodil Hjarvard

Member of Administrative Staff