Related to the theme of the Hub, participants represented competencies and interests ranging from, e.g. chemical food safety, protein processing from animal and plant sources, chemical composition and safety of “future foods”, health/sustainability lifecycle assessments, circularity and livestock production, dietary guidelines and health promotion, consumer and sensory sciences, including consumer motivation and values, the pleasure of eating and behavioural change from meat-based to more plant-based diets.
The Health Hub welcomes everybody who are interested in how we can change our dietary behaviour, to support a sustainable green transistion within the agrifood systems. The Hub is especially looking for people who can give perspectives from humanities, data sciences, logistics, as well as people from the primary production that are looking into sustainable production. We need to include perspectives on societal structures, to help map out barriers to adoption of sustainable foods in the consumer population, including vulnerable groups, and to integrate sociological perspectives to be able to explore TRL and SRL.
DTU National Food Institute
Technical University of Denmark
Phone: +45 40 21 34 89
Department of Management
Aarhus University
Phone: +45 87 16 50 42
Mobile: +45 61 77 96 97
Department of Public Health
Aarhus University
Phone: +45 87 16 79 69
Mobile: +45 23 32 18 75