Kick-off to START

The Centre for SusTainable AgRifood sysTems (START) got off to the best possible start at its kick-off event at Sandbjerg Estate on 21 and 22 March.

More than 70 participants from universities, foundations, government agencies and other partners from Denmark and Europe helped to secure a solid foundation for future work. START will focus on strengthening interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers in Denmark and international partners within the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities.

The chair of the steering committee behind START will change every six months, and Christine Nellemann, director of the Danish Food Institute at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) holds the chair for the current period. Tech Dean Eskild Holm Nielsen served as host for the event, and for the secretariat that has been established as part of the new centre.

Photos: Rasmus Rørbæk