HEALTH & Future Agrifood Systems: DTU site-visit
Invitation to DTU Food Conference & site-visit hosted by the “Health” & “Future Agrifood Systems” hubs. Only 30 seats available.
Info about event
Building 202, room 8003, Henrik Dams Allé, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
We will explore how SSH researchers work with challenges related to the conference theme: "Health promotion and disease prevention". The presentations will be followed by a discussion on how natural science and engineering can contribute to solve the type of challenges SSH researchers are working with.
13.30-13.45 | Welcome
Introduction to the benefits of interdisciplinary research
| by START hub-coordinators Timothy Hobley, DTU Food; Mette Lübeck, Aalborg University; and Lisbeth Truelstrup Hansen, DTU Food by Professor Elinor Eva Mari Hallström, DTU Food |
13.45-14.00 | Poco a poco: The agricultural everyday live with climates and plants in Andalusian greenhouse production
| by PhD fellow Trine My Thygaard-Nielsen, Dept. of Anthropology, Aarhus University
14.00-14.15 | Does communication framing influence consumer attitude to edible insects?
| by Research Assistant Alejandro Cordoba Ruiz, Dept. of Management, Aarhus University |
14.15-14.45 | Discussion on how natural science and engineering can contribute to solve the type of challenges just presented
| facilitated by START hub-coordinator Timothy Hobley, DTU Food |
14.45-15.00 | Wrap up and START news
| by START hub-coordinator Mette Lübeck, Aalborg University